Here’s What’s New at BPS in Spring 2021

Woman Holding Flower for Spring at Berks Plastic SurgeryWinter is gone, the sun is out, and summer will be here before you know it! Get a beach-ready body and smooth, glowing skin, just in time for warmer weather. At Berks Plastic Surgery, we’ve got you covered from head to toe with some extra special new minimally-invasive procedures this spring.

FaceTite Skin Tightening

If you’re looking to get the skin tightening and contouring benefits of a facelift without surgery or significant downtime, then FaceTite is for you!

FaceTite is an advanced facial contouring system that uses radiofrequency-assisted liposuction (RFAL) to lift sagging facial tissues, melt subcutaneous fat, and firm up tired skin. By using advanced radiofrequency energy, FaceTite is able to treat deep layers of the skin to increase structural support in the face. In fact, FaceTite has been shown to increase skin tightening by up to 50%.

Where can FaceTite be used?

FaceTite can be used to tighten skin and dissolve fat in the following areas:

  • Chin & jowls
  • Under the chin (“double chin”)
  • Along the jawline
  • Nasolabial folds
  • Marionette lines

Can FaceTite treat a double-chin?

Unlike other nonsurgical and minimally-invasive skin tightening devices, FaceTite is also able to coagulate and liquefy fat in the face and neck, making it incredibly effective for patients wanting to treat the area under the chin (called the “submental” area).

What is FaceTite treatment like?

During a FaceTite procedure, board certified plastic surgeon Dr. Scott Lindsay will apply a topical numbing cream to the area of the face or neck being treated before inserting the FaceTite applicator wand beneath your skin. This wand heats both the inner and outer layers of the skin, causing the tissues to contract and produce collagen, and fat cells to rupture and die. Following your procedure, you can expect to go home immediately and resume normal activities after a day or two.

Morpheus8 Microneedling

Morpheus8 is widely considered the most advanced microneedling device on the market. While traditional microneedling can be an effective nonsurgical tool for tightening and toning skin, microneedling with radiofrequency has some major advantages, including faster cell turnover for quicker results and a shorter recovery time.

Where can I have Morpheus8?

Most of our patients use Morpheus8 on their face and neck, however, it is safe to treat any area of the body that could benefit from skin rejuvenation.

What is Morpheus8 treatment like?

During your Morpheus8 microneedling treatment, we use a topical numbing cream to make sure you’re completely comfortable. You may feel a slight “pricking” sensation, but most patients say treatment isn’t painful and is well worth the results.

How many Morpheus8 treatments will I need?

The number of treatments you will need depends on your skin’s laxity and tone. While many of our patients see improvement after just one Morpheus8 treatment, we recommend you complete a series of 2 to 4 treatments for seriously younger, tighter, and more refreshed skin. After your initial treatments, you can maintain your new glow easily with follow-up treatments once a year.

Morpheus8 vs. FaceTite

Unsure whether you should go with Morpheus8 or FaceTite? Morpheus8 and FaceTite are both procedures that tighten loose, saggy skin on the face, but there are a couple of key differences between the two that will help you decide which is a better fit for your specific needs.

  • Morpheus8 and FaceTite both utilize radiofrequency energy to tighten skin and sculpt fat
  • FaceTite is more effective at eliminating unwanted fat than Morpheus8
  • Morpheus8 is often performed following a FaceTite procedure for optimal skin tightening, toning, and fat reduction. When these two procedures are combined, they are known as “EmbraceRF
  • Morpheus8 uses microneedles to penetrate deep below the skin while FaceTite does not utilize microneedling
  • Morpheus8 is 100% nonsurgical while FaceTite requires very small incisions
  • Morpheus8 can be used on any area of the body that can benefit from collagen renewal while FaceTite only treats the face and neck

BodyTite Skin Tightening

Brought to you by the creators of FaceTite, BodyTite provides significant body contouring results without the need for surgery. BodyTite uses minimally-invasive radiofrequency technology to combine skin tightening and fat reduction in a single procedure, allowing your surgeon to easily target any troublesome areas of loose skin and fat.

How is BodyTite different from a surgical lift?

While a surgical lift such as a tummy tuck, arm lift, or body lift tightens and removes excess skin and repositions your tissues, BodyTite tightens your skin by increasing your body’s collagen production, making it ideal for those with mild to moderate skin sagging. And instead of liposuction, BodyTite uses radiofrequency to reduce unwanted fat deposits, meaning no major incisions are needed. Plus, if you’ve had previous surgery to remove extra skin and fat, BodyTite can be used to maintain your results.

What parts of the body can BodyTite treat?

BodyTite is designed to address larger areas prone to skin laxity, and is commonly used to treat drooping skin in the following areas:

  • Chest
  • “Bat wings” in the upper arms
  • Abdomen
  • Folds in the back or bra line fat
  • Buttocks
  • Thighs
  • Knees

BodyTite can also treat mild gynecomastia (male breast tissue) in certain patients. Dr. Lindsay will be happy to discuss whether or not you’re a good candidate for breast reduction with BodyTite.

What is BodyTite treatment like?

During your procedure, the BodyTite wand is inserted beneath your skin through a small incision. Once inserted, the wand emits controlled thermal energy, heating the skin to a precise temperature and causing it to contract. Your surgeon controls the areas and depths of your treatment, ensuring that BodyTite is customized to create the results you want.

What is BodyTite recovery like?

Recovery from BodyTite is a breeze, especially compared to surgery. After your procedure, we will send you home for a brief (1-2 day) rest, followed by a week of taking it easy, and around 4 weeks of avoiding exercise or strenuous activity. Unlike a surgical lift, you won’t have any noticeable scars after BodyTite treatment. This is because Dr. Lindsay only needs to make a tiny incision to insert the BodyTite wand, and this incision will heal completely with proper scar care.

When can I see BodyTite results?

While you will see results soon after your BodyTite procedure, your body will continue to rebuild the strong proteins that give your skin its elasticity and thickness in the months following surgery. This is why BodyTite is often referred to as “tissue remodeling.”

QWO Cellulite Reduction

We are excited to introduce our newest nonsurgical procedure, QWO! QWO is the very first FDA-approved injectable treatment to reduce the appearance of moderate to severe cellulite dimpling in the female buttocks. QWO has only just been made available in March 2021, and Berks Plastic Surgery is proud to be one of the first practices in the country to offer QWO to our patients.

How does QWO work?

QWO is a combination of naturally occurring collagenases that are injected directly into your cellulite dimples. Once injected, QWO immediately goes to work breaking down types 1 and 3 collagen that cause cellulite dimpling in the buttocks.

Can QWO be combined with other treatments?

QWO is a great follow-up treatment to any surgical or nonsurgical fat reduction procedure, such as liposuction or CoolSculpting, as these procedures are effective at reducing fat but not the appearance of cellulite.

How many QWO treatments will I need?

During a QWO treatment visit, you will receive a series of injections in your cellulite dimples. The exact amount of injections will depend on the extent of your cellulite, but for most patients, this is about 12. Some patients see cellulite improvement from just a single QWO treatment visit, but for full results, we recommend you complete 3 treatment visits spaced 3 weeks apart.

There is no downtime, so you will be able to resume your normal activities immediately following your QWO treatment. All QWO injections are performed by our expert aesthetician team.

Get summer-ready with Berks Plastic Surgery

At Berks Plastic Surgery, our board certified plastic surgeons and licensed nursing & aesthetician team are ready to help you get the youthful, glowing skin you crave, and the sculpted body you’ve always dreamed of—just in time for summer. Contact us online or call (610) 320-0200 to find out how our new nonsurgical and minimally-invasive procedures can rejuvenate your face and body today.

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