BodyTite Skin Tightening

BodyTite uses radiofrequency energy to firm the skin and melt away fat with minimal downtime.

The options for sculpting your body without surgery are ever improving, and BodyTite fills a long-awaited need for those with skin laxity who do not need a surgical lift. BodyTite is a minimally-invasive technology that combines skin tightening and fat reduction in one procedure, allowing your surgeon to artfully sculpt your troublesome areas of loose skin and fat. After, we send you home for a brief (1-2 day) rest before getting back to the activities that you enjoy—without the distraction of your problem area.

How does BodyTite work?

The BodyTite wand is inserted beneath the skin through a small incision. Once inserted, the wand emits controlled thermal energy, heating the skin to a precise degree and causing the skin to contract. Your surgeon controls the areas and depths of your treatment, ensuring that BodyTite is customized to create the results you want.

While you will see results soon after your procedure, BodyTite stimulates an ongoing process of collagen production. Your body re-builds the strong proteins that give your skin its elasticity and thickness in the months following surgery. This is why BodyTite is often called “tissue remodeling.”

Which areas of the body can be treated with radiofrequency skin tightening?

Radiofrequency skin tightening can firm the skin in just about any part of the body. Because BodyTite is designed to address larger areas prone to skin laxity, it is commonly used to treat drooping skin in these areas:

  • Chest
  • “Bat wings” in the upper arms
  • Abdomen
  • Folds in the back
  • Buttocks
  • Thighs
  • Knees

BodyTite can also treat mild gynecomastia (male breast tissue) in certain patients.

Learn more about FaceTite & AccuTite for precision skin tightening in the face, jowls, neck, and other precise body areas »

How soon will I see results after BodyTite?

After BodyTite surgery, you will likely experience swelling and bruising at the treatment area. Still, patients report seeing improvements after just a few days. Swelling continues to subside for about two weeks. While you will see some skin tightening very soon after surgery, BodyTite promotes increased collagen production and leads to results that continue to improve in tightness and firmness in the months following surgery.

How does BodyTite compare with a surgical lift?

While a surgical lift such as a tummy tuck, arm lift, or body lift tightens skin by removing excess and repositioning your tissues, BodyTite tightens your skin by stimulating collagen production, making it ideal for those with mild to moderate sagging.

If you are not yet ready for excisional surgery to tighten excess skin, then you may prefer BodyTite as a minimally-invasive alternative with little downtime but noticeable results. You may also choose to undergo BodyTite to maintain your results from a previous surgery.

There are numerous reasons to consider BodyTite if you are not yet ready for a surgical lifting procedure:

  • You can get back to your routine quickly, usually after 1-2 days
  • You will not have a noticeable scar, as the small incision will heal to be barely perceptible with proper scar care
  • You may not need general anesthesia since the procedure can be tolerable with local anesthesia and a sedative

However, if you have more significant or severe skin laxity, talk with your surgeon about your options, as BodyTite is not a substitute for the effectiveness of removing excess skin through a surgical lift.

What is recovery like after BodyTite?

BodyTite recovery typically requires 1-2 days off work, about 1 week taking it easy, and around 4 weeks avoiding exercise or strenuous activity. You should continue to get up and move around, as light exercise encourages a healthy healing process.

We will send you home with a compression garment, which you will wear 24/7 for at least two weeks following surgery. We recommend continuing to wear the garment as much as possible, such as at night, for a few months thereafter to help you heal optimally. Your surgeon may personalize your recovery recommendations based on the area you had treated and your lifestyle.

How safe is BodyTite?

Research shows that BodyTite is both safe and effective. Still, BodyTite is a surgical procedure, so you should be in good health before undergoing this procedure. Follow your surgeon’s instructions to prepare for surgery, as well as in recovery. Choose a board certified surgeon who is experienced with BodyTite and who operated in an accredited facility and prioritizes your safety.

BodyTite + Liposuction

Liposuction can remove a significant amount of fat, but for those with who have lost the skin elasticity of their youth, the removed fat can leave behind sagging skin. We often combine BodyTite with liposuction in a procedure known as radiofrequency-assisted liposuction (RFAL). Whether to remedy skin laxity or to help amplify the results of liposuction, BodyTite complements liposuction, helping your results look trim and fit. The radiofrequency energy also facilitates easier fat removal.

Schedule your consultation at Berks Plastic Surgery in Reading, PA

Dr. Reedy and Dr. Lindsay of Berks Plastic Surgery look forward to meeting with you in a consultation, where we will help you determine which procedure will meet your body contouring goals, while allowing you to work recovery into your lifestyle. Call to schedule your consultation today, or fill out our online form to hear from our friendly patient coordinator.