Skinvive by Juvéderm

SKINVIVE™ by Juvéderm® is the latest advancement in injectable skin treatments, offering our Reading med spa patients a long-lasting product to achieve smoother, hydrated skin with little-to-no downtime.

What is Skinvive?

Skinvive is the latest Juvederm product from Allergan Aesthetics, the maker of other popular aesthetic brands like BOTOX® and CoolSculpting®. Skinvive is the first-of-its-kind injectable specifically designed to enhance hydration and smooth skin texture.

How does Skinvive work?

Like premium Juvéderm dermal fillers, Skinvive is made with hyaluronic acid (HA). HA is a natural substance already present in the body and has the unique ability to retain moisture; Skinvive’s innovative intradermal microdroplet injections deliver HA through several injection points across the treatment area to increase overall skin hydration to create a noticeable glow.

Benefits of Skinvive

Skinvive offers several skin rejuvenation benefits in treated areas, including:

  • Boosts skin hydration. Thanks to its hyaluronic acid content, Skinvive significantly increases skin hydration, giving your skin a healthy, youthful, and dewy appearance. 
  • Smoothes skin texture. Through its innovative formula and application technique, Skinvive promotes smoother skin texture, reduces the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles, and provides a silky, supple feel to the treated areas.

Skinvive vs. Juvéderm® hyaluronic acid fillers

This new Juvéderm® treatment primarily focuses on enhancing skin hydration and smoothness in the cheeks, while Juvéderm dermal fillers are fantastic for adding physical volume to augment and highlight other facial features. 

Which product is right for you?

Selecting the right product depends on what type of enhancement you have in mind. If you’d like a skin booster that hydrates dry skin and smoothes treated areas, Skinvive injectable gel is the ideal choice. For volume restoration, wrinkle reduction, or to enhance facial features, other Juvéderm products are more suitable.

Can’t decide? That’s what we’re here for! Our expert injectors have years of experience performing injections and deeply understand each product we offer to recommend the right product to deliver personalized results. 

Skinvive treatment areas 

Skinvive is FDA-approved to treat the cheek area. Your injector may also recommend Skinvive to boost hydration in off-label treatment areas based on your skin rejuvenation goals and your skin’s condition. 

What to expect with your Skinvive treatment

Initial consultation

We’ll sit down with you to discuss your skincare concerns and goals for your appearance and examine your skin. We will also discuss your medical history and previous treatments to ensure nothing would prevent you from experiencing safe, outstanding results with Skinvive. 

If we feel Skinvive is not the most effective solution to improve the appearance of your skin, we will recommend an alternative treatment to give you a more radiant complexion.

Skinvive’s “microdroplet” injection technique 

Skinvive is administered through a series of small injections at strategic points within the treatment area. Your injector will place tiny “microdroplets” of hyaluronic acid gel about 0.5-1 cm apart beneath the skin to achieve optimal hydration benefits. The procedure takes about 15-20 minutes. 

Your injector’s knowledge and experience performing this technique is critical; optimal product placement achieves maximum, long-lasting Skinvive results that appear naturally beautiful. 

How many Skinvive treatments will I need?

We typically recommend a 1mL syringe of Skinvive to treat each side of your face, so 1 treatment includes 2 syringes (1 per cheek). After examining your skin and understanding your expectations during your consultation, we’ll have a good idea of how many treatments you’ll need.

Will my injections hurt?

Skinvive is formulated with lidocaine, a local anesthetic, to make injections more comfortable. Most patients report that any discomfort they experience with their injections is short-lived and easily tolerated—the sensation is described as a slight prick. If you are concerned about pain during your injections, we can apply a topical numbing cream before your treatment begins, although most patients do not need additional anesthesia during their quick treatments.

Skinvive aftercare & results

Is there downtime post-treatment?

There is minimal, if any, downtime after Skinvive treatments; you can return to work or resume most regular daily activities immediately after your appointment.

Immediate aftercare protocols

Post-treatment care is straightforward. We ask that you avoid excessive sun and heat exposure and delay strenuous physical activity for at least 24 hours following the procedure to minimize temporary mild swelling and redness.

Your Skinvive results 

Our patients notice improved skin hydration and smoothness in the cheek area almost immediately, with the full effects visible after about 4 weeks, once Skinvive’s hydrating gel has had time to fully integrate with your facial skin. 

Once the gel has diffused and attracted moisture, you’ll see better skin texture in treated areas. 

How long will Skinvive results last?

Your injectable hydration treatment can last up to 6-9 months. To maintain skin hydration and a refreshed appearance, you can schedule follow-up “glow treatments” as the effects diminish.

Possible side effects of Skinvive

Potential side effects are typically mild and resolve within 7 days of treatment. Common side effects include redness, swelling, pain, tenderness, bruising, or itching at the injection site. 

You can minimize side effects by disclosing all medications and supplements you take during your consultation and following your provider’s post-treatment care instructions.

Choosing an experienced injector minimizes the risk of potential side effects and maximizes results. 

How much does Skinvive cost?

The cost of Skinvive in Reading is $650 per treatment (includes 2 syringes). We typically recommend 2 syringes per treatment, one syringe for each side of the face. We will provide a detailed cost breakdown during your consultation.

Financing options 

At the Berks Plastic Surgery medspa, we offer several options to make Skinvive and other treatments and products more affordable.

  • Specials: We celebrate our patients with frequent special offers.
  • Financing options: Enjoy convenient monthly payments that work with your budget. 
  • BPS Membership: The perks of your Berks membership includes a curated treatment plan that will target your unique needs, instant savings on products and treatments, freebies, and exclusive offers. 

And to accommodate our patients’ busy schedules, we have evening and weekend appointments available! 

Skinvive FAQs

Is Skinvive safe for all skin types?

Yes, Skinvive is safe for all skin types and skin tones.

How long do results last?

The results of Skinvive typically last between 6-9 months. Repeat treatments can maintain your results!

Is Skinvive safe?

Skinvive has been clinically tested and FDA-approved to ensure it meets high safety and efficacy standards.

Can I combine Skinvive with other treatments?

Absolutely! We can add any of our professional skincare services or dermatology services to your treatment plan, and we can usually perform other medspa treatments at the same appointment. Depending on the treatment and your skin’s condition, we may recommend making a separate appointment to ensure you experience maximum benefits from each treatment and so we don’t overtreat the skin and cause irritation.  

We would love to discuss other treatments you’re interested in or make our professional recommendations of what would work best for your skin—we are here for you! 

Are there alternatives to Skinvive?

While Skinvive is currently the only injectable gel approved to increase skin hydration in the US, we do have non-surgical treatments that target similar skincare concerns and enhance your appearance, including:

Choosing the right provider for your Skinvive treatment

Our team of aesthetic injectors is specifically trained in Skinvive’s intradermal microdroplet injection technique and specializes in personalizing your treatment to your skin, anatomy, and goals. We believe all our treatments, including injectables, should enhance your natural beauty and take a conservative approach to help you love your results. 

Let us help you glow up with Skinvive at Berks Plastic Surgery

Boost your inner glow and say farewell to rough, dry skin with Skinvive! If you’re interested in injectable hydration treatments or any of our personalized services, come see us: Call our physician-led medical spa and dermatology office at Berks Plastic Surgery at 610-320-0200 or contact us online to schedule your consultation with one of our injection specialists to begin your journey toward smoother, more radiant skin.