Do breast implants require aftercare? + Breast implant FAQs

Woman smiling after breast implant surgery

Are you thinking about breast implants, but wondering if you have the time for recovery and aftercare? We’ve got your back!

Having worked with many Reading breast augmentation patients over the years, Dr. Brian Reedy has created rapid recovery breast augmentation protocols to promote healing and reduce pain proactively, keeping aftercare to a minimum and getting you back to work within a matter of days. 

Below, we discuss what you can expect immediately following surgery, plus the recommended check-ups for the years after breast augmentation.

Streamlined aftercare with Rapid Recovery Breast Augmentation

With careful adherence to post-op instructions, most of our patients go back to work after 3-4 days, then gradually return to light exercise after 3 weeks and their full activity level in 6—many without taking any narcotic pain medication. How is this quick recovery possible? The answer begins with pre-surgical nutrition and Dr. Reedy’s technique during surgery.

First, we work with each patient to develop a nutritional program that works with your lifestyle. Paired with homeopathic supplements, optimal nutrition before surgery prepares your body for reduced swelling and bruising after surgery.

Most of our patients go back to work after 3-4 days thanks to Rapid Recovery protocols for quicker healing and streamlined pain management.

Once you are in the operating room, Dr. Reedy uses the Keller Funnel technique to gently place breast implants, minimizing trauma to your body for quicker healing. He then injects local pain medication (a nerve block) in the chest area, which reduces the need for narcotic pain medication and the associated unpleasant side effects.

Narcotic pain medication can prolong your recovery phase by causing confusion, fatigue, and even constipation; you also need to stop taking it before driving a car. Dr. Reedy’s local pain management technique allows you to take less narcotic pain medication so that you can get back to your normal routine much more quickly, feeling fully alert.

Recovery protocols after breast implant surgery

The next step is following aftercare instructions at home. While we will go over your recovery protocols in detail before surgery, here’s what you can expect:

Rest and recovery

Focus on getting plenty of rest for the first few days after surgery; you’ll be asked to avoid most daily activities until Dr. Reedy clears you—including lifting anything (this includes small children) over 5 pounds, reaching overhead, or any activity that causes discomfort or puts strain on the chest area or incision site. Remember, your body’s job at this phase is to heal, so take it easy and eat nutritious meals!

Medication and pain management

To complement the local anesthetic injected in surgery, Dr. Reedy will give you a combination of small doses of non-narcotic medications to reduce your pain while allowing you to feel mentally alert. Take these medications as directed to manage discomfort. In case you need stronger medication for your pain, you will also have a back-up prescription for a narcotic medication that can be used as needed.

Follow-up appointments for breast implant aftercare

Dr. Reedy will monitor your healing process and check for any signs of complications at pre-scheduled follow-up appointments, which are very important to confirm that you are healing beautifully.

Dressings and wound care after breast augmentation

You will have surgical dressings to keep in place until your first follow-up appointment, when you can switch to a surgical bra to support the breasts. Keep incision areas clean and dry, and follow our instructions for changing dressings and cleaning your incisions at home.

Long-term breast implant aftercare

Breast implants are relatively low maintenance, provided that you have your breasts checked periodically and maintain a healthy lifestyle! Here are the steps to properly monitor and maintain your breast implants long-term:

Routine MRI or ultrasound screenings

If you have silicone gel-filled implants, it is important to undergo routine breast implant screening with an MRI or high-resolution ultrasound to detect any potential changes in your implants (i.e. a silent rupture). The FDA recommends your first screening after 5-6 years and follow-ups every 2-3 years after that. Berks Plastic Surgery offers in-office ultrasound screening for silicone breast implants for less costly, more convenient screenings. (Saline implants do not require these screenings to check for rupture.)

Mammograms after breast surgery 

Get regular mammograms at the age and time intervals recommended by your physician, just as you would without implants. Mammograms can be safely performed when you have implants—just be sure to let the mammography technologist know that you have them.


Conduct regular self-examinations to monitor for any changes or potential complications with your implants. Look for changes in your breasts’ shape, size, or texture, and notify your plastic surgeon if you notice anything new.

Diet and exercise

Maintain a healthy lifestyle by eating a nutritious diet, engaging in regular exercise, and avoiding smoking and excessive alcohol consumption to promote the overall health of your body.

Long-term breast implant aftercare is relatively low maintenance, but check-ups are important to ensure you enjoy your results for years to come.

Our patients are always encouraged to contact us if they have any questions or concerns that may come up in the days, weeks, months, or years after their plastic surgery procedure. 

Will my breast implants need to be replaced?

You may need to replace or remove your breast implants eventually, as they are not lifetime devices; they are designed to last 10+ years. On average, the risk of complications only increases about 1% each year, so many breast implants remain in good shape for over 20 years. 

There are several reasons why you might want to replace or remove your breast implants at some point. Breast implants that are older or have been subjected to significant trauma can become damaged or rupture. A patient with these circumstances may be a good candidate for breast implant revision

Another reason for implant replacement may be the development of capsular contracture, a condition where scar tissue around the implant becomes tight and compresses the implant. Depending on the severity, capsular contracture may cause the breast to feel hard and may cause pain or discomfort. In this case, some patients seek revision or breast implant removal

Additionally, changes in a patient’s body due to pregnancy, significant weight gain or loss, or changes in their aesthetic preferences may also prompt a patient to replace their implants. Breast surgery is commonly a part of a mommy makeover to achieve balanced, natural-looking body contouring results.  

What type of breast implant is best – saline or silicone?

The two types of breast implants, saline and silicone, each have unique advantages to consider. Don’t worry; Dr. Reedy will walk you through all your options and help you select the ideal implant based on your anatomy and aesthetic goals. Here is a brief comparison of saline breast implants and silicone breast implants.

Saline breast implants: 

  • Consist of a silicone outer shell filled with saline (sterile saltwater) 
  • Are typically inserted empty and filled with saline once situated in the breast cavity, allowing for slight size adjustments to achieve balanced proportions
  • May feel firmer and less natural than silicone implants
  • Are more prone to visible wrinkling or rippling than silicone implants if you have thinner natural breast tissue
  • If a saline implant ruptures, it is easier to detect because the implant will deflate; the saline solution is harmlessly absorbed by the body and eliminated through natural processes.

Silicone breast implants:

  • Consist of a silicone outer shell filled with a cohesive silicone gel
  • Come pre-filled, so size adjustments are not possible during surgery—different-sized implants can be placed to achieve balanced proportions
  • Tend to feel more natural and behave more like natural breast tissue than saline implants
  • Are less prone to visible wrinkling or rippling than saline implants
  • If a silicone implant ruptures, the cohesivity (stickiness) of the silicone gel prevents it from migrating to other parts of the body, making these implants safer than earlier types of silicone implants; however, rupture is difficult to detect without a screening.

Both types of implants are FDA-approved and can achieve natural-looking breast augmentation results.

Do you have questions about breast implants? Dr. Reedy is here to help!

With over 20 years of experience performing a full range of procedures, board-certified plastic surgeon Dr. Brian K. Reedy specializes in breast surgery and has the knowledge and skill to achieve safe, remarkably natural-looking results. If you are in Reading, PA, or the surrounding areas, we invite you to schedule a personal consultation with Dr. Reedy and his expert medical team. We would love to sit down with you, answer your questions, listen to your goals, and design a surgery plan optimized to achieve the results you deserve. Our practice can be reached at (610) 320-0200, or you can contact us online. We look forward to hearing from you!

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