Back Lift Reading

Why do I have back fat?

Genetics, diet, and lifestyle factors all contribute to where the body stores fat. A sedentary lifestyle compounded with a poor diet can cause back fat to accumulate. Stress can also signal the body to store fat on the back. For patients who have undergone massive weight loss surgery, stubborn fat pockets and redundant skin often persist.

Back fat can exacerbate the appearance of a “muffin top” or “love handles” on the abdomen, and is incredibly difficult to spot-reduce with diet and exercise. For those with fat rolls and/or sagging skin on the back, it can be uncomfortable to wear tight-fitting shirts or to go shirtless in the summer. Dr. Reedy and Dr. Lindsay perform back lift surgery in Reading, PA to help patients feel comfortable in their bodies and regain their confidence.

Upper back lift (bra line back lift)

An upper back lift, also known as a bra line back lift, is surgery to remove excess skin and fat in the mid to upper back. Despite its nickname, this procedure can benefit both women and men (though women have the benefit of concealing their scar within their bra). The resulting scar is typically very light and easily concealable. Because extra fat and skin typically extends around the torso, an upper back lift is often combined with breast reduction and/or tummy tuck surgery. Combining surgeries can help minimize overall operating costs and recovery time if you’re a good candidate.

Lower back lift

A lower back lift removes fat and skin in the lower back through skin excision and/or liposuction. The scar from a lower back lift tends to be thin and is easily concealable in one’s underwear. A lower back lift also lifts the outer thighs and buttocks for a trimmer, more contoured lower body. Back lift surgery is often combined with a thigh lift and/or tummy tuck to reduce unwanted weight in the mid-to-lower body.

What is recovery like from a back lift?

You should expect to take a week off of work and other commitments to rest following your back lift surgery. Most patients are able to return to light work after 7 to 10 days of surgery, and can resume physical exercise after 3 to 4 weeks. Your recovery period may be longer if you are adding on additional procedures such as a thigh lift, tummy tuck, and/or breast reduction.

Am I a good candidate for a back lift?

You may be a good candidate for a back lift if you:

  • Struggle with back fat and excess skin
  • Have recently undergone major weight loss surgery
  • Suffer from age-induced skin laxity
  • Are a non-smoker
  • Have a BMI under 30

Are there non-surgical back lift options?

For patients who are struggling with stubborn fat bulges and have relatively good skin elasticity, Dr. Reedy and Dr. Lindsay offer a number of minimally-invasive and non-surgical procedures to help reduce unwanted back fat. Candidates for these procedures should have a BMI under 30, refrain from smoking, and have reasonable expectations.

Liposuction can be very effective on the back because skin in this area tends to be quite elastic, meaning it can “bounce back” after fat is removed from beneath it. Liposuction of the back is considered a minimally-invasive procedure because our plastic surgeons only need to make 2 small incisions to remove fat: one hidden in the armpit and another beneath the bra line.

CoolSculpting eliminates unwanted fat cells by freezing them (a process called cryolipolysis). Once destroyed, these fat cells are naturally metabolized by the body. On average, CoolSculpting destroys between 20.4-25.5% of fat cells in a treated area. CoolSculpting is ideal for patients with good skin elasticity and stubborn fat pockets on the lower and/or upper back, flanks, and abdomen.

BodyTite uses radiofrequency (RF) energy to firm the skin and melt away fat with minimal downtime. Dr. Reedy or Dr. Lindsay will insert the BodyTite applicator wand just beneath the skin to stimulate skin contraction through controlled thermal energy. BodyTite can also treat mild gynecomastia (male breast tissue) in certain patients. BodyTite is ideal for patients with mild to moderate skin sagging and body fat.

How much does a back lift cost in Reading?

At Berks Plastic Surgery, back lift surgery starts at $8,600. This price includes anesthesia and facility costs, and may vary depending on the extent/area of your surgery. Additional procedures will incur additional fees.

Schedule your Reading back lift consultation today

Board certified plastic surgeons Dr. Reedy and Dr. Lindsay have a combined 30+ years of experience helping people lose excess fat and skin through body lifting procedures. Schedule a personal consultation online or call (610) 320-0200 to find out how back lift surgery can increase your health and quality of life.