Want the Scoop on Vaginal Tightening? Here’s What Happened When We Tried ThermiVa!

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ThermIVa™ vaginal rejuvenation is surging in popularity—and our patients are raving about their results. This non-surgical treatment uses thermal energy to tighten sagging vaginal tissues, strengthen the pelvic floor, and improve a number of both cosmetic and medical concerns of the vulvovaginal area.

But it’s not only our patients who are benefitting. In fact, our very own patient coordinator Tammy gave ThermiVa a try, and we sat down with her to hear all about her experience.

The procedure took about 30 minutes and honestly felt like a warm massage.

What first drew you to ThermiVa?

Conversations with my girlfriends would eventually lead to one of the girls saying, “I wish my vagina were tighter. Wouldn’t it be awesome if it could be tightened?” As a mother of four children I could certainly relate. I was always the first to say, “When you find it, I’m in!” Guess what? I was the first one to find a type of treatment that was affordable, non-invasive, and got the job done; I found ThermiVa for vaginal rejuvenation!

What was treatment like?

The procedure took about 30 minutes and honestly felt like a warm massage. The best part was that there was no downtime. I was able to resume my normal daily activities following treatment without any restrictions.

I was definitely tighter and had less dribbling from urinary incontinence…All I can say is, “Girls, this treatment is for you!”

When did you start noticing results?

After one treatment of ThermiVa, I noticed an immediate difference. I was definitely tighter and had less dribbling from urinary incontinence. I’m eager to complete my series of treatments, and I can’t help but think my vagina will be restored to where it was before children! All I can say is, “Girls, this treatment is for you.”

Learn more about this exciting treatment at a personal consult

If you’d like to hear about how ThermiVa can help you (or you’re ready to book and see results like Tammy!), we encourage you to contact us. During a private, complimentary consultation, one of our board certified plastic surgeons will listen to your concerns, help you explore your options, and make expert treatment recommendations. Together, we can help you feel confident and comfortable from head to toe (and everywhere in between!).

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