Are You Ready for a Mommy Makeover?

Do you want to play?For mothers, there are many incredible changes that come with bringing a child into the world. Carrying a child and giving birth can be one of the most gratifying experiences in a woman’s life. But once the baby arrives and life returns to (the new) normal, many moms find it difficult to regain the trim figure they had before childbirth.

Some women find that their breasts have lost shape and volume. Abdominal muscles that stretched to accommodate the growing baby may now sag and resist improvement through diet and exercise. The mommy makeover procedures that address these issues are popular, proven solutions, but at what point can you go for it?

If you’re considering a mommy makeover, here are several suggestions to help you plan the timing of your procedure.

  • Wait until you’ve had your last child. If you’re open to the possibility of future pregnancies, it’s best to wait on a mommy makeover. While a mommy makeover will not put a future pregnancy at risk, some of the surgical results may be diminished. That’s why surgeons advise delaying a mommy makeover until a mother is sure she will not give birth again.
  • Wait until breastfeeding is well over. To achieve optimal results from mommy makeover procedures, it’s best to wait until at least six months after you have finished breastfeeding. The breasts go through a number of changes during the pregnancy and breastfeeding cycle, and you should wait until milk production is over and they have attained their non-nursing size and shape before you consider surgery.
  • Wait until you’ve reached your goal weight. Because mommy makeovers are not designed for weight loss, it’s also advisable to wait until you’ve achieved your target post-baby weight. A difference of ten pounds or so is okay, but know that the surgery will be most effective when you are close to your ideal weight.

Now that you know a little more about the timing of a mommy makeover, which procedures might be included in your surgery? Some moms are most concerned about the appearance of their breasts and are interested in breast enhancement, while others want a smooth, toned tummy—and many are interested in both. Liposuction can also be included if additional body contouring is needed.

Here at Berks, there’s no one-size-fits-all solution: we believe the real point of a mommy makeover is for you to feel great afterward. So we listen to all your concerns and then design a plan just for you.

While only you can know the right time to have mommy makeover surgery, we can help you with every other detail and decision. Dr. Reedy is happy to meet with you and answer all your questions, including timing, goals, recovery, and so on. As a mother, you give a lot to others. A mommy makeover is an opportunity to give yourself some attention, too. If you’re considering this popular set of procedures, please contact us for a consultation.

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