Pregnancy and breastfeeding are beautiful parts of motherhood. For many moms, these experiences leave lasting changes in the body, particularly the breasts. It’s common for breasts to lose volume, change shape, or sag, and if you’re unhappy with your breasts’ appearance, breast augmentation can help restore or even enhance your postpartum body.  Here, breast surgery… Continue Reading »

So, what’s the best breast implant? This is a question we hear at our plastic surgery office every day! The choice depends on a number of individual factors, like your body type and your desired outcome. But, nine times out of ten, Dr. Brian Reedy prefers round, smooth-shelled, highly cohesive (“gummy”) breast implants. Here’s why…. Continue Reading »

Are you thinking about breast implants, but wondering if you have the time for recovery and aftercare? We’ve got your back! Having worked with many Reading breast augmentation patients over the years, Dr. Brian Reedy has created rapid recovery breast augmentation protocols to promote healing and reduce pain proactively, keeping aftercare to a minimum and… Continue Reading »

If you’re thinking of augmenting your breasts, you have come to the right place! Dr. Brian K. Reedy of Berks Plastic Surgery is an expert in breast augmentation, and he has given many hundreds of happy, confident women the curves they want. For every breast augmentation patient, our goal is twofold: To give you the… Continue Reading »

Following breast reconstruction, finding a bra that fits and flatters your breasts is not only important for comfort and support—for many women, choosing beautiful new lingerie makes them feel feminine again and provides a sense of completion. With Breast Cancer Awareness Month upon us, we wanted to offer up some suggestions for finding bras that… Continue Reading »

High-resolution ultrasound offers a faster, affordable alternative to MRI for silicone implant screening Patients with silicone gel breast implants are advised to routinely monitor their implants for what is known as silent rupture, an asymptomatic break of the implant shell. Historically, MRI has been the recommended screening method, with the FDA suggesting patients undergo MRI… Continue Reading »

Breast augmentation remains as popular as ever—it was still the #1 cosmetic surgery in 2017, with ~333,000 procedures performed—but the days when getting breast implants meant going for Pamela Anderson’s dimensions are long gone. In keeping with trends that favor curves a ala Ariana Grande vs Kim Kardashian, more patients are keeping their augmentations on… Continue Reading »

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