They are spectacular!!!

Notes from Our Patients

Breast Reduction Patient Testimonials


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Dear Dr. Reedy,

Today I showered for the first time from my breast reduction surgery (had the drains removed yesterday) and you are right….they are spectacular!!! I cannot even believe I am looking at myself. I feel like 100 pounds was lifted off my chest. You are a master at your profession and thank you for being an advocate to the bureaucrats in the insurance field for us large-breasted women. I still would like to strap two 5-pound flour sacks to anyone that has denied this surgery and make them walk around for a week!!! I will always regret not doing it sooner, but maybe it was meant to be for me to be under your care.

I now feel like I can eventually get back to running like I want to and be on my way to a healthier me!

Thank you again fro the bottom of my heart.*

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