Non-surgical Skin Tightening with the Cutera Titan

Skin Rejuvenation in PA

The Cutera® Titan gives you an all natural option to enhance skin tone and actively turn back the clock on aging skin. Titan uses light energy to stimulate new collagen growth deep beneath your skin’s surface and can tighten skin on your face, arms, and abdomen. The Titan is an ideal solution to enhance your youthful and healthy appearance without surgery, recovery time or injections.

The Titan utilizes a safe, infrared light to heat the dermis well below the skin’s surface. This heating can cause immediate collagen contraction resulting in tighter skin. During the procedure, the skin’s surface (epidermis) is protected through continuous cooling with the Titan handpiece. After the procedure, new collagen growth results in further tightening with the improvement of lax skin, folds and lines.

The Titan procedure:

  • Has no recovery time
  • Stimulates the natural collagen rebuilding process
  • Creates subtle, yet noticeable, rejuvenating improvements.

Frequently Asked Questions:

What areas respond best to the Titan procedure?
The most common areas treated are the jaw line, under the chin, and the abdomen.

Who can be treated?
Since the Titan procedure heats tissue under the skin’s surface, patients of any skin type or age can be treated; however results are best for more elastic skin. Our licensed aesthetician can help you determine if the Titan is right for you.

How many treatments will I need?
It is quite common for patients to have two to three treatments over a few months. Our licensed aesthetician will advise you as to the number and frequency of treatments recommended for your optimal results.

What happens after treatment?
Immediately following treatment, you may notice some redness and mild swelling in the treated area. Both should dissipate within a few hours.

When will I see results?
Some patients see results immediately. However, for most patients, the results are gradual over a three to six month period as new collagen is formed and the skin tightens.

How do I get started?
Contact Berks Plastic Surgery for an initial consultation with one of our licensed aestheticians at (610) 320-0200. She will be able to tell you if you are a good candidate for the Titan procedure, answer your questions, and let you know what results you can expect.