Restore a shapely thigh contour

After losing a significant amount of weight, loose skin may remain in the thighs, causing chafing, rashes, or skin infections. Sagging in the thighs may also be due to a natural loss of skin elasticity through the aging process, or even liposuction, and make the thighs appear out of proportion with the rest of your figure.

Excess skin can undermine your weight loss progress and cause endless frustration, as no amount of diet and exercise gets rid of excess lax skin. To correct this discomfort, patients may seek out a thigh lift, or thighplasty, which effectively restores a proportional, toned thigh contour by removing excess skin and fat.

Types of thigh lifts

During your initial consultation with your surgeon, they will examine you and determine which thigh lift incisions will be appropriate to address your needs. The most common incision placements are inner or outer thigh lift, but some patients may get best results with a mini thigh lift:

  • Inner thigh lift (medial thigh lift): Incisions are placed vertically along the inner thigh to tighten this area
  • Outer thigh lift (lateral thigh lift): Incisions are placed horizontally along the buttocks to tighten both the buttocks and the outer thighs
  • Mini thigh lift: Incisions are hidden within the groin in order to tighten skin in the upper insides of the thighs

Your thigh lift procedure

During the procedure, you will be under general anesthesia. Your surgeon creates the incision, through which they remove excess tissue and remodel the skin before suturing your incisions. In some cases, liposuction may be used within the procedure to remove fat.

Thigh lifts are sometimes combined with lower body lifts (circumferential body lifts), which address sagging skin from the waist down to the thighs.

What to expect during thigh lift recovery

Thigh lift recovery requires dedication, as your incisions will need to be carefully protected while you heal. Be sure a friend or family member is available to stay with you the first few days after surgery and help you around the house. Most patients take about two weeks before returning to work, though you may be able to resume errands after about a week.

You will need to sleep with your legs bent, which is important for protecting your incisions. Bruising and swelling can persist for several weeks, and to reduce swelling, you will wear a compression garment for 3-4 weeks. Wait 6 weeks before resuming strenuous exercise or exertion.

Your thigh lift results

After several months, swelling and bruising will subside, at which time you can enjoy your final results. A permanent scar will remain where your incisions were placed, but rest assured that your surgeon will place the scar in as discreet a way as possible. Scars tend to fade with time, and in most cases thigh lift scars can be easily concealed with clothes and swimsuits.

Call Berks Plastic Surgery today at 610-320-0200 or contact us online to schedule your free consultation to learn whether you may be a good candidate for a thigh lift.