Brazilian Butt Lift in Reading, PA

Uncover your curves with the ultimate body sculpting procedure

A shapely, round butt (that looks fabulous in whatever we wear—or don’t) is an asset many of us strive for, but thanks to genetics, aging and other factors, getting a great butt can be easier said than done. If you’re unhappy with the shape and appearance of your derriere, a Brazilian butt lift can help you get the fuller, rounder and well-proportioned lower body curves you desire.

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What is a Brazilian butt lift?

A Brazilian butt lift is essentially a fat transfer procedure that concentrates on reshaping the area between your lower back and upper thighs. First, excess fat is removed from the abdomen, flanks, inner or outer thighs, and/or lower back. A portion of this fat is then purified and injected into the buttocks, where it serves as a natural, lasting filler to enhance shape and size. By taking away fat from areas where you don’t want it, and moving it right where you do want more volume (specifically, your butt), a Brazilian butt lift is a win-win procedure with many benefits:

  • Achieves a curvier lower body that is better proportioned to your natural physique
  • Your butt will look better in jeans, swimsuits, and other clothing
  • You’ll get to reduce unsightly bulges in the belly, hips or thighs at the same time
  • Advanced liposuction and fat grafting techniques achieve dramatic improvements with virtually undetectable scarring
  • Since your natural fat is used, results typically last for years and years

Who is a good candidate for a Brazilian butt lift?

As with any cosmetic procedure, certain patients are better suited to Brazilian butt lift surgery than others. If you generally agree with the following, you could likely benefit from a Brazilian butt lift:

  • You feel your butt is “too flat” or lacks shape
  • You would like a fuller and rounder buttocks
  • You have fat pockets you would like to reduce in other areas of your body
  • You have good skin elasticity (i.e., sagging skin is not an issue in your belly, hips or butt)

Since it involves transferring fat, you must have adequate fat stores to remove and replace to achieve the results you desire—very lean patients may not be as good candidates for a Brazilian butt lift. During your personal consultation, our experienced board certified plastic surgeons can help you decide if a Brazilian butt lift is a good option for you.

What is Brazilian butt lift surgery like?

Our plastic surgeons perform Brazilian butt lift surgery as an outpatient procedure, using general anesthesia for your comfort and safety. While the specifics of your procedure will be tailored to your unique needs and goals, surgery involves three basic steps. First, your surgeon will perform liposuction to carefully remove excess, unwanted fat and sculpt the areas surrounding the buttocks, using tiny incisions as access points. Next, some of this fat is purified and prepared for injection using a special machine. Finally, the purified fat is measured and injected into various points in the buttocks to achieve a naturally fuller, beautiful contour to the buttocks.

Following surgery, you will be placed in a compression garment to control swelling and protect your healing results. Patients typically go home to recover within several hours after surgery.

Recovering after Brazilian butt lift surgery

Mild to moderate soreness and tightness are common for the first few days after a Brazilian butt lift, but most patients find that pain medication easily controls any discomfort. You will need to limit activity to light walking for about 2 weeks, after which you can go back to work and resume most daily activity, with one major modification—you will not be allowed to sit directly on your buttocks for about 6 to 8 weeks!

During the first 2 to 3 weeks, you will need to stand or lie on your stomach at all times, except to use the bathroom. After this initial healing period, you will be instructed to sit in a modified position, using a “donut” pillow to reduce pressure on your buttocks. A gradual return to exercise is generally permitted within 3 to 4 weeks after surgery, and all activity restrictions are lifted after about 8 weeks. Remember, following your plastic surgeon’s recovery instructions is essential to ensure your results heal optimally.

Initially, your plastic surgeon may inject a greater amount of fat than needed for your final outcome, as it is normal for a portion of the injected fat cells not to survive. Therefore, your buttocks may initially appear a little larger than you expect—over time results will improve as the transferred fat adapts to its new location and post-operative swelling subsides. Final results are in place within about 6 months.

Learn more about Brazilian butt lifts at Berks Plastic Surgery

If you live near Reading, Allentown, Harrisburg, or Lancaster, our board certified plastic surgeons at Berks Plastic Surgery can help you get the beautiful, sexy curves you desire with a Brazilian butt lift. Contact us for your complimentary consultation today to get started.